Sleep Apnea

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Sleep Apnea

Sleep Disorders

Emergency Cases

(252) 773 0430

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– Excessive daytime sleepiness
– Snoring
– Gasping for breath while asleep
– Frequent awakenings during sleep
– Waking with dry mouth or sore throat
– Morning headache
– Frequent night time urination- Fatigue
Sleep Apnea, a disorder in which one “gasps for breath while sleeping,” is indicated by frequent loud “snoring.” The brain responds to Bets10 in the airflow by having “frequent awakenings throughout sleep.” “Excessive daytime sleepiness” is a primary indication of sleep apnea. Morning headaches, memory problems, melancholy, irritability, and a sore throat are some of the other symptoms that, if ignored, can lead to death.

“True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is
to the body, nourishment and refreshment.”

~ William Penn